Little Laura wouldn’t have thought that she would be where she is now. Let’s give her a little advice.

5th Grade Volleyball

Your Family Loves You… A LOT

They’ve made it to hundreds of your volleyball games, every concert, performance, and banquet that you’ve had. They’ve always been by your side & loved you through the good, bad & ugly. Hold onto that!

You’re Still Playing Volleyball

Volleyball has helped with: making friends, finding confidence, lasting memories, challenging lessons, leadership, performing, and many, many, many, other things. What used to be an awkwardly tall, un-athletic young girl is now a force to be reckoned with.

The Future is Bright

Through the life lessons from your family, sport, school, and friends, you have become a determined young woman with a bright future! You have pursued internships, volunteering opportunities, been involved with clubs, and organizations that have led to building a foundation of community around you.

It Gets Challenging

You get beat out for the spot, role, position. You fail. You lose. Injuries happen. School gets tough. Disagreements, rough patches, you name it. It might not be easy at first, but you figure your way out.

You’ll Find Your Way

If you asked me what I wanted to be when I was younger, it was a veterinarian. No way around it, I was going to be a vet. Going into college, I thought nursing, business, marketing, and now adding a double major in marketing and supply chain management. It’s okay to change, just find your sense of direction to what you’re being called to do.

It’s All Going to be Okay

I mean seriously lil Laura, you have such an amazing group of people around you, parents that care more than you know, and ambition to do great things. Keep on being you & being confident in yourself and your abilities.